How We Got Here
3 years ago
The Gordon ISD Board of Trustees accepted the GISD Long Range Planning Committee's $12,000,000 bond proposal at a special board meeting on August 11, 2021, which will be presented to voters on the ballot on November 2, 2021.
The Long range Planning Committee was made of up community members and district employees who met over a 20 month period to study the age of our facilities, potential safety, security, and instructional components of the facilities, projected enrollment, project costs, as well as projected tax impact.
The district surveyed students, parents, staff and community members in spring of 2016 as well as held a community forum in December 2017 to gather stakeholder input. Gordon ISD conducted a facilities assessment through Gallagher Construction Services in June 2019 as well as safety and security audits through TASB.
After a narrow loss in the May election, the bond committee worked all summer to prepare a revised bond package. The committee took input from stakeholders and worked with the architect to propose a new bond package.
The bond package includes funding for a new secondary facility and remodeling and renovating the existing secondary building to an elementary facility. It also includes security upgrades, designated drop-off and pick-up areas for elementary and secondary students, connecting element between the two buildings with a student collaborative space, a new science lab, and facilities that are compliant with ADA and building codes.